Moms In Training (MIT) Facilitators
Program Goal: Empower
expecting moms to prepare
for their child.
Responsibilities for Different Roles:
Instructors: Facilitate 5 week parenting course for new moms
Labor and Delivery Instructor: Teach 1 labor and delivery class per course
Lactation Consultant: Teach 1 breast-feeding class per course
Requirements for all MIT Facilitators:
Application with 2 references, interview
Excellent teaching skills
Hotline Counselors
​Minister compassion to individuals over
the phone, set appointments, and make
community referrals. During your shift, the
hotline will be forwarded directly to your
cell phone.
Application with 2 references, interview
Host hotline one night/day a week
12 month commitment
Training seminar
In-Service every 3 months
Administrative Volunteers
Provide a variety of different help with the operations of BCPC depending on your skill set, which can range from professional services to office help.
Application with 2 references, interview
Flexible time commitment
Basic computer skills
Attention to detail/maintaining
After Abortion Facilitators
Program Goal:
Provide healing and
transformation in Christ to those who have had an abortion(s).
Co-facilitate an 8-10 wk. after abortion
group to minister and care for individuals
who need healing from previous abortions.
Application with 2 references, interview
Complete 1-day training
Facilitate one 8-10 week course.
Demonstrate compassion & grace
Maintain confidentiality
Flourish Mentor
Program Goal: BCPC offers a mentoring program to expectant women
who have decided to parent or
adopt, providing a supportive
companion through the
pregnancy journey.
Mentor a woman or man in the process of
becoming a parent. This is a great way to
love an individual and to offer friendship,
support, guidance, and Christ’s love
during this journey of their life.
Application with 2 references, interview
Complete 1-day training
12 month commitment
Roughly 1-2 hours/week
Weekly contact with expectant mom or dad
Annual In-Service
Baby Boutique Assistant
Help run a monthly Baby Boutique for our
clients to come “shop” for free baby
items! Tasks involve set up and break-
down, checking in clients, & overseeing
If you want to volunteer regularly,
Application with 2 references, interview.
One Saturday per month (minimum 4 hours)
Good customer service skills
Baby Boutique Leader
Help run a monthly Baby Boutique for our
clients to come “shop” for free baby
items! Tasks involve delegating and
leading set up and break-down,
checking in clients, & overseeing
Application with 2 references, interview.
One Saturday per month (minimum 4 hours.)
Good customer service skills
Assist at least 3 baby boutiques
Group Volunteering
On occasion, we need the help of groups
of 8-18 people for projects such as:
Major cleaning
Event Help
Baby Boutique
Special Events
Baby Showers
Clothing Drives
Diaper Drive
​Contact Lana Daniels ldaniels@bostonpregnancychoices.org for more ways groups can get involved.